Master Teacher Professional transforms DavkaWriter into a valuable tool for producing and printing original and creative puzzles, quizzes, and study sheets.
Create a word list using DavkaWriter, click the Master Teacher button on the DavkaWriter toolbar, and your words become captivating word searches, challenging crossword puzzles, fun word jumbles, enjoyable matching puzzles, and original quizzes -- in Hebrew or English -- complete with answer sheets.
Master Teacher Professional lets you customize all of your projects, set clues, puzzle size, and much more. Since it works within DavkaWriter, everything you create with it is fully editable.
Using Master Teacher Professional for DavkaWriter, you can create:
- Crossword Puzzles
- Matching Quizzes
- Multiple Choice Quizzes
- Study Sheets
- Tests
- Word Jumble Puzzles
- Word Search Puzzles
Screen shots:

System Requirements:
PC with DavkaWriter for Windows